Eventful — My 2018

Muqhtar Woli
3 min readDec 31, 2018


2018 has been… eventful.

In the last quarter of 2017, I changed jobs for the first time, got out of a relationship, and ended the year flat out broke. At the end of this year, I have stayed consistent in all but one of the above (consistency being key 😊).

See, I changed employers for the first time late in 2017 and battled a bit with impostor syndrome. I started 2018 with a solid drive to kill it at the job. Done and dusted. So much so that I am already looking for my next challenge, whether with my current employer or not. So by and large, work has been solid, with nothing major to report.

My personal life has been the most eventful part of my life in 2018. As I previously stated, I ended 2017 as a recently single man coming out of a rather short relationship and I really was ready to go all Yoruba demon for the whole of 2018 at least, you know — not attached, focusing on my career — the works. But, Alhamdulillah. The short story is: I’m married. The longer story has a few themes: love, distance and a healthy dose of family drama. See that last bit? That is why I haven’t done a walimah (wedding ceremony) yet. It’s also why for a lot of you who know me and are reading this, this is the first time you are hearing this. Please find it in your hearts to say a prayer for my wife and I (and send gifts *insert cheeky facial expression*).

One bit I did not talk about last year was my deen, I only planned to be better. I have actively tried to do that and of course, lose some bad habits. Some I have (Alhamdulillah), some I haven’t (May Allah strengthen me). The most surprising one? — I stopped actively listening to music. Before now, I usually did this once a year: during Ramadan, and resumed right on the day of Eid. This year, I didn’t go back and I didn’t die (I mean, here I am). It’s still a bit tough — there’s tons of music stored up there that won’t disappear just like that, but baby steps. I am not the man to talk to about any artiste’s new album anymore, and I actively avoid music l talk on social media. That ship has sailed. Also, I went back to madrasah. I just started in November, and it’s been tough fixing my schedule to accommodate it — I have missed a few classes but there is one overriding thing I’ve learnt: I really do not know jack.

One other thing is new this year — I have come to the conclusion that of the things I want in a place to work and live in, there are only few present in Nigeria. What that realisation will birth will become clearer as time passes.

The last bit in my first paragraph about my status in 2017 — my brokenness, is still here. There have been ins and outs, but basically 2018 wasn’t the year where I got my paper up. I think this is the last year I will be reporting on this facet of my life, so come 2019 (if I’m still alive), you won’t find this.

I was conflicted on the utility of mentioning names of people who have been significant in the past year for me, but I’ll go on to do so. My family — wife, brother, sister, parents have been at my back, the solid squad everyone deserves. Sabur came through (as he has done for over 15 years), My top guy Jogbojogbo Abdulrahman has been a constant. Aminah & Nana Aisha Salaudeen , thank you gifting me with your time, you both inspire me and may Allah ease your affairs. Taufiqah, Eniola, Halimah thank you all for of your help. And, ToyMaryam (yes, that’s what she saved your number as) thanks for coming through for my wife. Also, I think I have the best colleagues — OJ, Bose, Temi, TomTom, Idris, TJ and of course, Jimi thank you.

Is there an outlook for 2019? Yes. It is to live. To live right!

